+41 26 924 01 88


Route du Mont 10

1660 Château d'Oex


An academic music education is very important for a young artist that aspires to develop a professional career in music. There are many institutions like Conservatories and Universities that offer quality music education all around the World. However, there are very few professional solutions for students at school going age.

We aim to offer an Intensive Music Program for those young players between 8-18 who wish to concentrate their efforts in reaching a very high instrumental standard developing their gift and talent to their full potential.

We are an official ABRSM exam centre, the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, the UK’s largest music education body, offering assessments to over 600,000 candidates in over 90 countries every year.

The diplomas obtained by our students following the ABRSM curriculum are recognised internationally in most countries and facilitate the transition to the next educational stage in music universities. All of our students follow the theory courses of the ABRSM, being however optional, the access to the official exams of ABRSM, both in theory and instrument.

The benefits of music education. Music reinforces the learning and progress of brain areas related to language and mathematics. In addition, music helps develop social skills and increases memory and coordination at a very early age. It also refines discipline and patience. An instrument like the violin, for example, has a steep learning curve. Before you can make a single sound, you must first learn how to hold the violin, how to hold the bow, and how to place your feet.

Playing an instrument teaches kids to persevere through many hours of practice before they reach certain goals, like playing a recital or a concert. Children who also have a solid musical education, are future adults better prepared for the challenges of life.