+41 26 924 01 88


Route du Mont 10

1660 Château d'Oex

Daily Life

A typical day at our boarding starts at 6:45 am. Students take a shower, tidy their bedroom and make their bed. Then they go down for breakfast.

From 8:00 to 12:00 most of them are busy with their academic studies. 

After lunch all kids can enjoy a break until 13:30 (we let them use their gadgets during this break), then, depending on the day of the week and age,  some of them have to go back for a while to their academics while all the others start with their homework, music lessons and practice time until 20:00.

Dinner is served at 20:00, after which the boarders have some free time (we let them again their gadgets until bed time) Time to go to bed is at 21:30. The older ones can read a while in bed at night, until 22:00, when all the lights should be off.

On weekends, some boarders go back home.

For those who stay at the boarding house, weekends start at 9:00. They enjoy a more flexible schedule, leaving room to rest and do other activities outside and inside the residence.